Cryptocurrencies: 20507
Markets: 77950
Market Cap: $2,527,218,128,466     
24h Vol: $73,188,869,261

Mining Pools

Hashrate Distribution

Shows the market share of the last 10 days from the most popular Bitcoin mining pools. It includes the largest Bitcoin mining pools in the market. Take a look at the mining pool list and start today with Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin Core Mining.

Known Bitcoin Blocks Distribution

Relayed Count
Foundry USA 386
AntPool 322
ViaBTC 198
F2Pool 164
Unknown 142
Binance Pool 62
Mara Pool 46
Braiins Pool 35
SBI Crypto 34 32
Poolin 16
BTC M4 13
Ultimus 4
1THash 2

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