Cryptocurrencies: 24141
Markets: 92248
Market Cap: $3,604,274,242,411     
24h Vol: $369,341,273,912
TimesTabloid 2023-01-25 05:20:26

No Crypto Regulation from U.S. Congress Until 2025, Cardano Founder and John Deaton Give Reasons

The cryptocurrency industry has been in the crosshairs of Congress following the FTX fallout. Charles Hoskinson, the Input Output Global CEO and founder of the popular smart contract platform Cardano (ADA) told the crypto community on Monday not to expect crypto regulation from the United States Congress any time soon. Per the recent comment, the The post No Crypto Regulation from U.S. Congress Until 2025, Cardano Founder and John Deaton Give Reasons appeared first on Times Tabloid .
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