W1 (W1)
W1 Platform - The Hollywood Blockchain, is an entertainment ecosystem based on the advanced blockchain technology, and Smart Web 3.0 infrastructure. W1 Platform further empowers its community with peer-to-peer (“P2P”) connectivity, allowing users to share social experiences, videos, and photos and enabling them to conduct sophisticated transactions of their own, based on their designated business model, all of which would be encoded in smart contracts.
Full Name | W1 (W1) |
Start Date | 1906-06-07 |
Algorithm | N/A |
Proof Type | N/A |
Website | www.w1platform.org/ |
@W1Platform | |
N/A | |
N/A | |
Block Number | N/A |
Block Time | N/A |
Block Reward | N/A |
Previous Total Coins Mined | N/A |
Net Hashes Per Second | N/A |
W1 (W1) News