Cryptocurrencies: 25239
Markets: 99694
Market Cap: $3,174,681,173,301     
24h Vol: $125,347,783,008
1 UOS (UOS) Rank 713
UOS (UOS) Rank 713
Website Twitter
409,708,850 UOS




UOS (UOS) Price

UOS (UOS) 24h Vol

UOS (UOS) Market Cap

UOS (UOS) Circulating

Full Name
BTC Price
0.00000077 BTC
BTC Market
316 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
Total Coins Mined
409,708,850 UOS
-0.13 %
-0.64 %
-20.66 %



U°OS is a universal reputation system constituting an open-source blockchain protocol. it is built to be the standard for evaluation of trustworthiness on the emerging decentralized web.

U°OS introduces DPoI, a unique consensus algorithm, that takes into account not only the monetary stake of an account but also the value it creates for the network, calculating it via account's incoming transfer and social activity.

The U°OS reputation system already has use-cases/dApps, such as, a social platform, which serves as an explorer and interface to the blockchain.

Unlike other chains, U°OS records both economic transfers and social interactions on the blockchain.
Social transactions allow the exchange of non-monetary value in a blockchain. For example, U°Community dApp uses the social transactions to upvote, downvote, publish content and follow or trust users. Social transactions along with economic ones are used to calculate reputation or Importance of digital entities

Click here to access the UºOS community blog.

Full Name UOS (UOS)
Start Date 1906-06-07
Algorithm SHA-256
Proof Type DPoI
Twitter @uos_network
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Total Coins Mined 409,708,850 UOS
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
ICO Details

ICO Details

U°OS is a universal reputation system constituting an open-source blockchain protocol. it is built to be the standard for evaluation of trustworthiness on the emerging decentralized web.

U°OS introduces DPoI, a unique consensus algorithm, that takes into account not only the monetary stake of an account but also the value it creates for the network, calculating it via account's incoming transfer and social activity.

The U°OS reputation system already has use-cases/dApps, such as, a social platform, which serves as an explorer and interface to the blockchain.

Unlike other chains, U°OS records both economic transfers and social interactions on the blockchain.
Social transactions allow the exchange of non-monetary value in a blockchain. For example, U°Community dApp uses the social transactions to upvote, downvote, publish content and follow or trust users. Social transactions along with economic ones are used to calculate reputation or Importance of digital entities.

Click here to access the UºOS community blog.

UOS IEO begins on August 8, 2019. The IEO token supply represents 10% of the total token supply. There is a total of 16,000,000 UOS (on Bitforex) tokens available, for 0,025 USD each. The IEO funding target is 400,000 USD and is expected to end on August 14, 2019, or when the funding cap is reached.

Token Reserve Split (90%):

  • 20% Community Distribution;
  • 20% Private Round;
  • 10% Advisory, Block Producers, Ambassadors;
  • 10% Seed Round;
  • 10% Community Development;
  • 10% Distributed Community Foundation;
  • 10% Team.

Supply after the sale: 400 000 000 UOS (those are ERC20 tokens, out of which 100mm are for IEOs, 100mm are for angel investors, and 200mm for private round investors) All the tokens except the IEO pool are locked. 

ICO Status Upcoming
Token Supply 1000000000
Start Date 2019-08-08
End Date 2019-08-14
Fund Raised (BTC) N/A
Fund Raised (USD) N/A
Start Price (USD) 0.025
Security Audit Company N/A
ICO Legal Form N/A
ICO Jurisdiction 637
Legal Advisers N/A
Blog N/A
White Paper
UOS (UOS) News
Diginex’s EQUOS exchange eyes liquidity boost with GSR partnership

Diginex’s EQUOS exchange eyes liquidity boost with GSR partnership

Diginex's CEO says the partnership promotes his vision of creating a safe, reputable and conflict-free trading environment for crypto assets.

access time image 01-25-2021 10:01

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