Cryptocurrencies: 25239
Markets: 99694
Market Cap: $3,174,681,173,301     
24h Vol: $125,347,783,008
1 Raido Financial (RF) Rank 6983
Raido Financial (RF) Rank 6983
Website Twitter
0 RF

Raido Financial (RF)

Raido Financial (RF)


Raido Financial (RF) Price

Raido Financial (RF) 24h Vol

Raido Financial (RF) Market Cap

Raido Financial (RF) Circulating

Full Name
Raido Financial (RF)
ETH Token
BTC Price
123.20 BTC
BTC Market
BTC 24h Vol
6,579,996 BTC
Total Coins Mined
0 RF
0 %
-1.24 %
-3.62 %


Raido Financial mission is to provide crypto market stakeholders with the most efficient, comprehensive and secure tools for carrying out all needed crypto activities. Raido Financial main goal is to develop and perfect the ecosystem, whereby any participant of the crypto market can easily obtain and use high-efficient and profitable tools with any type of experience level in Blockchain or cryptocurrency technologies.

RF token holders will be granted trading privileges in any elements of the Raido Financial ecosystem. In particular, investors can use tokens to pay for any services in the Raido Financial system, including trading fees, payments for withdrawal, listing of currencies, etc.

Full Name Raido Financial (RF)
Start Date 2018-03-10
Algorithm ETH Token
Proof Type N/A
Twitter @FinancialRaido
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Total Coins Mined N/A
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
ICO Details

ICO Details

Raido Financial mission is to provide crypto market stakeholders with the most efficient, comprehensive and secure tools for carrying out all needed crypto activities. Raido Financial main goal is to develop and perfect the ecosystem, whereby any participant of the crypto market can easily obtain and use high-efficient and profitable tools with any type of experience level in Blockchain or cryptocurrency technologies.

RF token holders will be granted trading privileges in any elements of the Raido Financial ecosystem. In particular, investors can use tokens to pay for any services in the Raido Financial system, including trading fees, payments for withdrawal, listing of currencies, etc.


  • Filippos Konstantinidis: CEO.
  • Yassin Walid Yunis: Analyst.
  • Roman Shevchenko: Managing Trader.

Raido Financial starts on January 15th, 2019. The ICO token supply represents 70% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 60,262,500 tokens available, for 0.001 ETH each. The ICO funding target is 7,500 ETH, the funding cap is 52,762 ETH and is expected to end on February 15th, 2019 or when the funding cap is reached. Any unsold/remaining tokens will be burned.

Token Reserve Split (30%):

  • 10% Campaign;
  • 10% Developers;
  • 5% Advisors;
  • 3% Bounty;
  • 2% Airdrop.
ICO Status Finished
Token Supply 60262500
Start Date 2019-01-15
End Date 2019-02-15
Fund Raised (BTC) N/A
Fund Raised (USD) N/A
Start Price (USD) 0.001
Security Audit Company N/A
ICO Legal Form N/A
ICO Jurisdiction Belize
Legal Advisers N/A
White Paper
Raido Financial (RF) News

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