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Market Cap: $3,174,681,173,301     
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Nacreous Coin (NACRE)


The Nacreous Coin is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency that is linked to physically deposited gold in the form of a certificate of deposit issued by the bank. A certain number of Nacreous Coins can be exchanged based on a specific formula defined in its offer for the appropriate certificate of deposit, whereas the certificate can be redeemed by Physical Gold at any time. The Nacreous Coin is designed to be used as a generally accepted electronic payment means for all who consider gold as a traditional, true, secure and value-stable medium.

Nacreous is implemented as an ERC20 standard token. This enables Nacreous to use smart-contracts for its mechanisms and will enable the development of a userfriendly interface as DAPP on the Ethereum network.

Full Name Nacreous Coin (NACRE)
Start Date 2018-11-06
Algorithm ETH Token
Proof Type N/A
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Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
Nacreous Coin (NACRE) News

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