Monarch Token (MT)
Monarch offers mobile and desktop apps, a decentralized wallet, decentralized ERC20 exchange, BTC/ETH fiat gateway, a portfolio tracker, and universal KYC integration. The Monarch Wallet supports more than 3,000 cryptocurrencies and allows qualified users to buy cryptocurrency with a bank or credit card, earn up to 8.1% APR interest on select cryptocurrency holdings, and all users can switch between hot and cold wallets, all while maintaining their own private keys and seed. The Monarch Market Place will allow it's users to access some of the best companies and services through one login process as well.
Full Name | Monarch Token (MT) |
Start Date | N/A |
Algorithm | ETH Token |
Proof Type | N/A |
Website | |
@Monarchtoken | |
N/A | |
N/A | |
Block Number | N/A |
Block Time | N/A |
Block Reward | N/A |
Previous Total Coins Mined | N/A |
Net Hashes Per Second | N/A |