Hashbon (HASH) Price $0.04
Hashbon (HASH) 24h Vol
Hashbon (HASH) Market Cap $0
Hashbon (HASH) Circulating 0
Hashbon framework is a universal platform for effective building any applications or smart contracts, that work on top of live public blockchains: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, Monero, and others. Framework will allow storing information on several blockchains simultaneously for better reliability in an automatic and intellectual way, including the choice of blockchain that currently offers a better fee for storing KB of data.
Full Name | Hashbon (HASH) |
Start Date | N/A |
Algorithm | ETH Token |
Proof Type | N/A |
Website | hashbon.com |
@hashbon | |
N/A | |
www.reddit.com/r/Hashbon/ | |
Block Number | N/A |
Block Time | N/A |
Block Reward | N/A |
Total Coins Mined | N/A |
Previous Total Coins Mined | N/A |
Net Hashes Per Second | N/A |
ICO Details
Hashbon framework is a universal platform for effective building any applications or smart contracts, that work on top of live public blockchains: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, Monero, and others. Framework will allow storing information on several blockchains simultaneously for better reliability in an automatic and intellectual way, including the choice of blockchain that currently offers a better fee for storing KB of data.
- Yuliya Bibayeva: Сo-founder.
- Grigory Bibaev: Сo-founder.
- Artur Kiniabaev: CEO.
- Yeskendir Imanshartov: CMO.
Hashbon ICO will begin on TBA. The ICO token supply represents 10% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 200,000,000 HASH tokens available, for 0.10 EUR each. The ICO funding target is 1,000,000 EUR, the funding cap is 10,000,000 EUR and is expected to end on TBA or when the funding cap is reached.
Token Reserve Split (90%):
- 65% Pre-sales;
- 9% Project Team;
- 8% Loyalty program in the early stages;
- 4% Bounty;
- 4% Advisors.
Hashbon features an ICO campaign as well as the following bonus structure.
Bonus Structure:
- Pre sale - 40%;
- 1st stage - 30%;
- 2nd stage - 20%;
- 3st stage - 10%.
ICO Status | Upcoming |
Token Supply | 2000000000 |
Start Date | N/A |
End Date | N/A |
Fund Raised (BTC) | N/A |
Fund Raised (USD) | N/A |
Start Price (USD) | 0.10 |
Security Audit Company | N/A |
ICO Legal Form | Corporation |
ICO Jurisdiction | Czech Republic |
Legal Advisers | N/A |
Blog | https://medium.com/@hashbon |
White Paper | hashbon.com/info/whitepaper_eng.pdf |