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Market Cap: $3,174,681,173,301     
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Function X (FUNX)


The vision of Function X through its innovations is to empower this next phase of the internet, to better the efficiency of the current conventional level and create an environment that is secure, fully decentralized and free of monopolization. 
Function X is a next-generation internet service framework. It has created a completely new ecosystem of service framework by improving the existing internet and blockchain architecture, combining the benefits of both worlds and using the most commonly used technical solutions. Function X employed a systematic approach towards software/hardware co-design, to allow all existing applications, websites, data and services to be completely decentralized, helping to lay a solid foundation for future development paths of the next generation internet.

Full Name Function X (FUNX)
Start Date N/A
Algorithm ETH Token
Proof Type N/A
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
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