DIVO combines people in one place and forms an infrastructure that is designed to meet the demands of all fashion industry players, making the interaction between them faster, safer and more effective. The purpose of DIVO is to ensure a connection between the classic fashion industry and the new digital economy, giving each user the opportunity to build cooperation in a decentralized ecosystem.
Full Name | DIVO Token (DIVO) |
Start Date | N/A |
Algorithm | ETH Token |
Proof Type | N/A |
Website | www.divo.fashion/ |
@divo_fashion | |
N/A | |
N/A | |
Block Number | N/A |
Block Time | N/A |
Block Reward | N/A |
Previous Total Coins Mined | N/A |
Net Hashes Per Second | N/A |
DIVO Token (DIVO) News