Coin (COIN) Price $0.00
Coin (COIN) 24h Vol
Coin (COIN) Market Cap $13,509,232
Coin (COIN) Circulating 30,000,000,000
Date | Open | Close | High | Low |
2020-09-12 | $0.0280500 | $0.0278900 | $0.0280200 | $0.0278900 |
2020-09-11 | $0.0276100 | $0.0280500 | $0.0280500 | $0.0280500 |
2020-09-10 | $0.0263400 | $0.0276100 | $0.0276100 | $0.0276100 |
2020-09-09 | $0.0253100 | $0.0263400 | $0.0263400 | $0.0263400 |
2020-09-08 | $0.0265300 | $0.0253100 | $0.0253100 | $0.0253100 |
2020-09-07 | $0.0264500 | $0.0265300 | $0.0265300 | $0.0265300 |
2020-09-06 | $0.0251400 | $0.0264500 | $0.0264500 | $0.0264500 |
2020-09-05 | $0.0289400 | $0.0251400 | $0.0251400 | $0.0251400 |
2020-09-04 | $0.0286800 | $0.0289400 | $0.0289400 | $0.0289400 |
2020-09-03 | $0.0329900 | $0.0286800 | $0.0286800 | $0.0286800 |
2020-09-02 | $0.0356900 | $0.0329900 | $0.0329900 | $0.0329900 |
2020-09-01 | $0.0325600 | $0.0356900 | $0.0356900 | $0.0356900 |
2020-08-31 | $0.0347500 | $0.0325600 | $0.0351600 | $0.0325600 |
2020-08-12 | $0.0132600 | $0.0132800 | $0.0132900 | $0.0132800 |
2020-08-11 | $0.0138500 | $0.0132600 | $0.0132600 | $0.0132600 |
2020-08-10 | $0.0136600 | $0.0138500 | $0.0138500 | $0.0138500 |
2020-08-09 | $0.0139100 | $0.0136600 | $0.0136600 | $0.0136600 |
2020-08-08 | $0.0132800 | $0.0139100 | $0.0139100 | $0.0139100 |
2020-08-07 | $0.0138300 | $0.0132800 | $0.0132800 | $0.0132800 |
2020-08-06 | $0.0140400 | $0.0138300 | $0.0138300 | $0.0138300 |
2020-08-05 | $0.0136400 | $0.0140400 | $0.0140400 | $0.0140400 |
2020-08-04 | $0.0135100 | $0.0136400 | $0.0136400 | $0.0136400 |
2020-08-03 | $0.0130200 | $0.0135100 | $0.0135100 | $0.0135100 |
2020-08-02 | $0.0135600 | $0.0130200 | $0.0130200 | $0.0130200 |
2020-08-01 | $0.0121400 | $0.0135600 | $0.0135600 | $0.0135600 |
2020-07-31 | $0.0117300 | $0.0121400 | $0.0121400 | $0.0121400 |
2020-07-12 | $0.008446 | $0.008470 | $0.008470 | $0.008457 |
2020-07-11 | $0.008515 | $0.008446 | $0.008446 | $0.008446 |
2020-07-10 | $0.008545 | $0.008515 | $0.008515 | $0.008515 |
2020-07-09 | $0.008723 | $0.008545 | $0.008545 | $0.008545 |
2020-07-08 | $0.008449 | $0.008723 | $0.008723 | $0.008723 |
2020-07-07 | $0.008534 | $0.008449 | $0.008449 | $0.008449 |
2020-07-06 | $0.008049 | $0.008534 | $0.008534 | $0.008534 |
2020-07-05 | $0.008096 | $0.008049 | $0.008049 | $0.008049 |
2020-07-04 | $0.0137300 | $0.008096 | $0.0139900 | $0.008096 |
2020-07-03 | $0.0138200 | $0.0137300 | $0.0137300 | $0.0137300 |
2020-07-02 | $0.0140900 | $0.0138200 | $0.0138200 | $0.0138200 |
2020-07-01 | $0.0137600 | $0.0140900 | $0.0140900 | $0.0140900 |
2020-06-30 | $0.0139000 | $0.0137600 | $0.0137600 | $0.0137600 |
2020-06-29 | $0.0137200 | $0.0139000 | $0.0139000 | $0.0139000 |
2020-06-28 | $0.0134700 | $0.0137200 | $0.0137200 | $0.0137200 |
2020-06-27 | $0.0140000 | $0.0134700 | $0.0134700 | $0.0134700 |
2020-06-26 | $0.0141700 | $0.0140000 | $0.0140000 | $0.0140000 |
2020-06-25 | $0.0143100 | $0.0141700 | $0.0141700 | $0.0141700 |
2020-06-24 | $0.0148300 | $0.0143100 | $0.0143100 | $0.0143100 |
2020-05-19 | $0.0131000 | $0.0130100 | $0.0130200 | $0.0130100 |
2020-05-18 | $0.0126300 | $0.0131000 | $0.0131000 | $0.0131000 |
2020-05-17 | $0.0122300 | $0.0126300 | $0.0126300 | $0.0126300 |
2020-05-16 | $0.0118700 | $0.0122300 | $0.0122300 | $0.0122300 |
2020-05-15 | $0.0124000 | $0.0118700 | $0.0118700 | $0.0118700 |
2020-05-14 | $0.0319800 | $0.0124000 | $0.0325300 | $0.0124000 |
2020-05-13 | $0.0303800 | $0.0319800 | $0.0319800 | $0.0319800 |
2020-05-12 | $0.0297400 | $0.0303800 | $0.0303800 | $0.0303800 |
2020-05-11 | $0.0300500 | $0.0297400 | $0.0297400 | $0.0297400 |
2020-05-10 | $0.0336200 | $0.0300500 | $0.0300500 | $0.0300500 |
2020-05-09 | $0.0338500 | $0.0336200 | $0.0336200 | $0.0336200 |
2020-05-08 | $0.0361000 | $0.0338500 | $0.0380800 | $0.0338500 |
2020-05-07 | $0.0338500 | $0.0361000 | $0.0361000 | $0.0361000 |
2020-05-06 | $0.0349300 | $0.0338500 | $0.0338500 | $0.0338500 |
2020-05-05 | $0.0351800 | $0.0349300 | $0.0349300 | $0.0349300 |
2020-05-04 | $0.0357100 | $0.0351800 | $0.0351800 | $0.0351800 |
2020-05-03 | $0.0364100 | $0.0357100 | $0.0357100 | $0.0357100 |
2020-05-02 | $0.0360400 | $0.0364100 | $0.0364100 | $0.0364100 |
2020-05-01 | $0.0350700 | $0.0360400 | $0.0360400 | $0.0360400 |
2020-04-30 | $0.0366400 | $0.0350700 | $0.0350700 | $0.0350700 |
2020-04-20 | $0.0306600 | $0.0307600 | $0.0307600 | $0.0306400 |
2020-04-19 | $0.0319300 | $0.0306600 | $0.0306600 | $0.0306600 |
2020-04-18 | $0.0290700 | $0.0319300 | $0.0319300 | $0.0319300 |
2020-04-17 | $0.0293400 | $0.0290700 | $0.0290700 | $0.0290700 |
2020-04-16 | $0.0259800 | $0.0293400 | $0.0293400 | $0.0293400 |
2020-04-15 | $0.0269600 | $0.0259800 | $0.0259800 | $0.0259800 |
2020-04-14 | $0.0266600 | $0.0269600 | $0.0269600 | $0.0269600 |
2020-04-13 | $0.0269900 | $0.0266600 | $0.0266600 | $0.0266600 |
2020-04-12 | $0.0269700 | $0.0270400 | $0.0271100 | $0.0270400 |
2020-04-11 | $0.0268800 | $0.0269700 | $0.0269700 | $0.0269700 |
2020-04-10 | $0.0288900 | $0.0268800 | $0.0268800 | $0.0268800 |
2020-04-09 | $0.0294800 | $0.0288900 | $0.0288900 | $0.0288900 |
2020-04-08 | $0.0279900 | $0.0294800 | $0.0294800 | $0.0294800 |
2020-04-07 | $0.0291800 | $0.0279900 | $0.0279900 | $0.0279900 |
2020-04-06 | $0.0242900 | $0.0291800 | $0.0291800 | $0.0291800 |
2020-04-05 | $0.0245600 | $0.0242900 | $0.0242900 | $0.0242900 |
2020-04-04 | $0.0240500 | $0.0245600 | $0.0245600 | $0.0245600 |
2020-04-03 | $0.0240700 | $0.0240500 | $0.0240500 | $0.0240500 |
2020-04-02 | $0.0231300 | $0.0240700 | $0.0240700 | $0.0240700 |
2020-04-01 | $0.0226400 | $0.0231300 | $0.0231300 | $0.0231300 |
2020-03-27 | $0.0236200 | $0.0239800 | $0.0240500 | $0.0239800 |
2020-03-26 | $0.0231700 | $0.0236200 | $0.0236200 | $0.0236200 |
2020-03-25 | $0.0236400 | $0.0231700 | $0.0231700 | $0.0231700 |
2020-03-24 | $0.0232500 | $0.0236400 | $0.0236400 | $0.0236400 |
2020-03-23 | $0.0208100 | $0.0232500 | $0.0232500 | $0.0232500 |
2020-03-22 | $0.0225600 | $0.0208100 | $0.0208100 | $0.0208100 |
2020-03-21 | $0.0226800 | $0.0225600 | $0.0225600 | $0.0225600 |
2020-03-20 | $0.0232400 | $0.0226800 | $0.0226800 | $0.0226800 |
2020-03-19 | $0.0201700 | $0.0232400 | $0.0232400 | $0.0232400 |
2020-03-18 | $0.0197700 | $0.0198300 | $0.0198300 | $0.0198300 |
2020-03-17 | $0.0189200 | $0.0197700 | $0.0197700 | $0.0197700 |
2020-03-16 | $0.0210000 | $0.0183500 | $0.0183500 | $0.0183500 |
2020-03-15 | $0.0208400 | $0.0209800 | $0.0209800 | $0.0209800 |
2020-03-14 | $0.0230200 | $0.0208400 | $0.0208400 | $0.0208400 |
2020-03-13 | $0.0186600 | $0.0232000 | $0.0232000 | $0.0232000 |
2020-03-12 | $0.0331300 | $0.0209600 | $0.0209600 | $0.0209600 |
2020-03-11 | $0.0341100 | $0.0331300 | $0.0331300 | $0.0331300 |
2020-03-10 | $0.0345200 | $0.0341100 | $0.0341100 | $0.0341100 |
2020-03-09 | $0.0339500 | $0.0345200 | $0.0345200 | $0.0345200 |
2020-03-08 | $0.0404200 | $0.0347600 | $0.0347600 | $0.0347600 |
2020-03-07 | $0.0417800 | $0.0408900 | $0.0408900 | $0.0408900 |
2020-03-06 | $0.0388800 | $0.0409000 | $0.0409000 | $0.0409000 |
2020-03-05 | $0.0382000 | $0.0389400 | $0.0389400 | $0.0389400 |
2020-03-04 | $0.0380400 | $0.0382000 | $0.0382000 | $0.0382000 |
2020-03-03 | $0.0394600 | $0.0380400 | $0.0380400 | $0.0380400 |
2020-03-02 | $0.0370600 | $0.0394600 | $0.0394600 | $0.0394600 |
2020-03-01 | $0.0370100 | $0.0370600 | $0.0370600 | $0.0370600 |
2020-02-29 | $0.0386900 | $0.0370100 | $0.0370100 | $0.0370100 |
2020-02-28 | $0.0386900 | $0.0386900 | $0.0386900 | $0.0386900 |
2020-02-27 | $0.0380300 | $0.0388900 | $0.0388900 | $0.0388900 |
2020-02-26 | $0.0419600 | $0.0380300 | $0.0380300 | $0.0380300 |
2020-02-25 | $0.0451800 | $0.0428200 | $0.0428200 | $0.0428200 |
2020-02-24 | $0.0440200 | $0.0451800 | $0.0452300 | $0.0424400 |
2020-02-23 | $0.0418900 | $0.0440200 | $0.0440200 | $0.0440200 |
2020-02-22 | $0.0424200 | $0.0418900 | $0.0418900 | $0.0418900 |
2020-02-21 | $0.0411500 | $0.0424200 | $0.0424200 | $0.0424200 |
2020-02-20 | $0.0413200 | $0.0411500 | $0.0411500 | $0.0411500 |
2020-02-19 | $0.0451800 | $0.0413200 | $0.0413200 | $0.0413200 |
2020-02-18 | $0.0428100 | $0.0451800 | $0.0451800 | $0.0451800 |
2020-02-17 | $0.0414300 | $0.0428100 | $0.0428100 | $0.0428100 |
2020-02-16 | $0.0622 | $0.0414300 | $0.0610 | $0.0414300 |
2020-02-15 | $0.0672 | $0.0622 | $0.0622 | $0.0622 |
2020-02-14 | $0.0631 | $0.0672 | $0.0672 | $0.0672 |
2020-02-13 | $0.0625 | $0.0631 | $0.0631 | $0.0631 |
2020-02-12 | $0.0559 | $0.0625 | $0.0625 | $0.0625 |
2020-02-11 | $0.0513 | $0.0559 | $0.0559 | $0.0430400 |
2020-02-10 | $0.0526 | $0.0513 | $0.0513 | $0.0513 |
2020-02-09 | $0.1362000 | $0.0526 | $0.1394000 | $0.0526 |
2020-02-08 | $0.1361000 | $0.1362000 | $0.1362000 | $0.1362000 |
2020-02-07 | $0.1299000 | $0.1361000 | $0.1361000 | $0.1361000 |
2020-02-06 | $0.0387300 | $0.1299000 | $0.1299000 | $0.0404500 |
2020-02-05 | $0.0358000 | $0.0387300 | $0.0387300 | $0.0387300 |
2020-02-04 | $0.0360600 | $0.0358000 | $0.0358000 | $0.0358000 |
2020-02-03 | $0.0489800 | $0.0360600 | $0.0493400 | $0.0360600 |
2020-02-02 | $0.0477500 | $0.0489800 | $0.0489800 | $0.0489800 |
2020-02-01 | $0.0467400 | $0.0477500 | $0.0477500 | $0.0477500 |
2020-01-31 | $0.0479600 | $0.0472500 | $0.0472500 | $0.0472500 |
2020-01-30 | $0.0588 | $0.0479600 | $0.0624 | $0.0479600 |
2020-01-29 | $0.0596 | $0.0588 | $0.0588 | $0.0588 |
2020-01-28 | $0.0986 | $0.0589 | $0.1008000 | $0.0589 |
2020-01-27 | $0.0973 | $0.0985 | $0.0985 | $0.0985 |
2020-01-26 | $0.0930 | $0.0973 | $0.0973 | $0.0973 |
2020-01-25 | $0.0942 | $0.0930 | $0.0930 | $0.0930 |
2020-01-24 | $0.0943 | $0.0944 | $0.0944 | $0.0944 |
2020-01-23 | $0.1007000 | $0.0943 | $0.0976 | $0.0943 |
2020-01-22 | $0.1016000 | $0.1007000 | $0.1007000 | $0.1007000 |
2020-01-21 | $0.1001000 | $0.1016000 | $0.1016000 | $0.1016000 |
2020-01-20 | $0.1002000 | $0.1001000 | $0.1001000 | $0.1001000 |
2020-01-19 | $0.1044000 | $0.1002000 | $0.1002000 | $0.1002000 |
2020-01-18 | $0.1018000 | $0.1044000 | $0.1044000 | $0.1044000 |
2020-01-17 | $0.0919 | $0.1018000 | $0.1018000 | $0.0951 |
2020-01-16 | $0.0466200 | $0.0919 | $0.0919 | $0.0460300 |
2020-01-15 | $0.0300200 | $0.0464800 | $0.0464800 | $0.0300000 |
2020-01-14 | $0.0260100 | $0.0300200 | $0.0300200 | $0.0300200 |
2020-01-13 | $0.0265300 | $0.0260100 | $0.0260100 | $0.0260100 |
2020-01-12 | $0.0258300 | $0.0265300 | $0.0265300 | $0.0265300 |
2020-01-11 | $0.0262200 | $0.0258300 | $0.0258300 | $0.0258300 |
2020-01-10 | $0.0249600 | $0.0262200 | $0.0262200 | $0.0262200 |
2020-01-09 | $0.0254600 | $0.0249600 | $0.0249600 | $0.0249600 |
2020-01-08 | $0.0315000 | $0.0254600 | $0.0309500 | $0.0254600 |
2020-01-07 | $0.0382300 | $0.0315000 | $0.0379400 | $0.0315000 |
2020-01-06 | $0.0358900 | $0.0382300 | $0.0382300 | $0.0382300 |
2020-01-05 | $0.0356000 | $0.0358900 | $0.0358900 | $0.0358900 |
2020-01-04 | $0.0355800 | $0.0356000 | $0.0356000 | $0.0356000 |
2020-01-03 | $0.0337000 | $0.0355800 | $0.0355800 | $0.0355800 |
2020-01-02 | $0.0346100 | $0.0337000 | $0.0337000 | $0.0337000 |
2020-01-01 | $0.0341600 | $0.0346100 | $0.0346100 | $0.0346100 |
2019-12-31 | $0.0348200 | $0.0341600 | $0.0341600 | $0.0341600 |
2019-12-30 | $0.0356600 | $0.0348200 | $0.0348200 | $0.0348200 |
2019-12-29 | $0.0339800 | $0.0356600 | $0.0356600 | $0.0356600 |
2019-12-28 | $0.0335200 | $0.0340200 | $0.0340200 | $0.0340200 |
2019-12-27 | $0.0333200 | $0.0335200 | $0.0335200 | $0.0335200 |
2019-12-26 | $0.0331500 | $0.0333200 | $0.0333200 | $0.0333200 |
2019-12-25 | $0.0339300 | $0.0331500 | $0.0331500 | $0.0331500 |
2019-12-24 | $0.0339500 | $0.0339300 | $0.0339300 | $0.0339300 |
2019-12-23 | $0.0351300 | $0.0339500 | $0.0339500 | $0.0339500 |
2019-12-22 | $0.0337900 | $0.0351300 | $0.0351300 | $0.0351300 |
2019-12-21 | $0.0340700 | $0.0337900 | $0.0337900 | $0.0337900 |
2019-12-20 | $0.0340000 | $0.0340700 | $0.0340700 | $0.0340700 |
2019-12-19 | $0.0352600 | $0.0340000 | $0.0340000 | $0.0340000 |
2019-12-18 | $0.0323600 | $0.0352600 | $0.0352600 | $0.0352600 |
2019-12-17 | $0.0351600 | $0.0323600 | $0.0323600 | $0.0323600 |
2019-12-16 | $0.0378300 | $0.0351600 | $0.0351600 | $0.0351600 |
2019-12-15 | $0.0490500 | $0.0378300 | $0.0492500 | $0.0378300 |
2019-12-14 | $0.0501 | $0.0490500 | $0.0490900 | $0.0490500 |
2019-12-13 | $0.0841 | $0.0501 | $0.0841 | $0.0501 |
2019-12-12 | $0.0833 | $0.0841 | $0.0841 | $0.0841 |
2019-12-11 | $0.0846 | $0.0833 | $0.0833 | $0.0833 |
2019-12-10 | $0.0857 | $0.0846 | $0.0846 | $0.0846 |
2019-12-09 | $0.0884 | $0.0857 | $0.0864 | $0.0738 |
2019-12-08 | $0.0887 | $0.0884 | $0.0906 | $0.0884 |
2019-12-07 | $0.0894 | $0.0887 | $0.0887 | $0.0887 |
2019-12-06 | $0.0890 | $0.0894 | $0.0894 | $0.0894 |
2019-12-05 | $0.0874 | $0.0890 | $0.0890 | $0.0890 |
2019-12-04 | $0.0886 | $0.0874 | $0.0874 | $0.0874 |
2019-12-03 | $0.0896 | $0.0886 | $0.0886 | $0.0886 |
2019-12-02 | $0.0908 | $0.0896 | $0.0896 | $0.0896 |
2019-12-01 | $0.0913 | $0.0908 | $0.0908 | $0.0908 |
2019-11-30 | $0.0930 | $0.0913 | $0.0913 | $0.0913 |
2019-11-29 | $0.0863 | $0.0930 | $0.0930 | $0.0884 |
2019-11-28 | $0.0873 | $0.0863 | $0.0863 | $0.0863 |
2019-11-27 | $0.0845 | $0.0844 | $0.0845 | $0.0844 |
2019-11-26 | $0.0746 | $0.0845 | $0.0845 | $0.0755 |
2019-11-25 | $0.0745 | $0.0746 | $0.1020000 | $0.0746 |
2019-11-24 | $0.1064000 | $0.0745 | $0.0980 | $0.0745 |
2019-11-23 | $0.1049000 | $0.1064000 | $0.1064000 | $0.0788 |
2019-11-22 | $0.1012000 | $0.1049000 | $0.1052000 | $0.0901 |
2019-11-21 | $0.1031000 | $0.1012000 | $0.1128000 | $0.0951 |
2019-11-20 | $0.0581 | $0.1031000 | $0.1031000 | $0.0576 |
2019-11-19 | $0.0773 | $0.0581 | $0.0797 | $0.0581 |
2019-11-18 | $0.1086000 | $0.0773 | $0.1051000 | $0.0744 |
2019-11-17 | $0.0905 | $0.1086000 | $0.1086000 | $0.0913 |
2019-11-16 | $0.0892 | $0.0905 | $0.0905 | $0.0905 |
2019-11-15 | $0.1165000 | $0.0892 | $0.1224000 | $0.0892 |
2019-11-14 | $0.0941 | $0.1166000 | $0.1166000 | $0.0924 |
2019-11-13 | $0.1777000 | $0.0938 | $0.1781000 | $0.0788 |
2019-11-12 | $0.1425000 | $0.1773000 | $0.1867000 | $0.0913 |
2019-11-11 | $0.1637000 | $0.1823000 | $0.1849000 | $0.0937 |
2019-11-10 | $0.1470000 | $0.1636000 | $0.1881000 | $0.1502000 |
2019-11-09 | $0.1563000 | $0.1472000 | $0.1762000 | $0.1434000 |
2019-11-08 | $0.1533000 | $0.1572000 | $0.1675000 | $0.1388000 |
2019-11-07 | $0.1083000 | $0.1540000 | $0.1540000 | $0.1038000 |
2019-11-06 | $0.0956 | $0.1047000 | $0.1167000 | $0.0968 |
2019-11-05 | $0.0681 | $0.0957 | $0.0957 | $0.0691 |
2019-11-04 | $0.0629 | $0.0679 | $0.0679 | $0.0633 |
2019-11-03 | $0.0635 | $0.0630 | $0.0630 | $0.0630 |
2019-11-02 | $0.0514 | $0.0634 | $0.0634 | $0.0513 |
2019-11-01 | $0.0514 | $0.0503 | $0.0516 | $0.0487400 |
2019-10-31 | $0.0521 | $0.0511 | $0.0515 | $0.0507 |
2019-10-30 | $0.0542 | $0.0520 | $0.0520 | $0.0520 |
2019-10-29 | $0.0517 | $0.0546 | $0.0546 | $0.0546 |
2019-10-28 | $0.0523 | $0.0522 | $0.0522 | $0.0522 |
2019-10-27 | $0.0548 | $0.0524 | $0.0561 | $0.0524 |
2019-10-26 | $0.0558 | $0.0542 | $0.0565 | $0.0542 |
2019-10-25 | $0.0414800 | $0.0539 | $0.0621 | $0.0464800 |
2019-10-24 | $0.0470400 | $0.0415800 | $0.0466900 | $0.0415700 |
2019-10-23 | $0.0496200 | $0.0462100 | $0.0462100 | $0.0462100 |
2019-10-22 | $0.0505 | $0.0496300 | $0.0496300 | $0.0496300 |
2019-10-21 | $0.0573 | $0.0503 | $0.0567 | $0.0503 |
2019-10-20 | $0.0561 | $0.0572 | $0.0572 | $0.0572 |
2019-10-19 | $0.0620 | $0.0559 | $0.0614 | $0.0559 |
2019-10-18 | $0.0635 | $0.0623 | $0.0623 | $0.0623 |
2019-10-17 | $0.0475900 | $0.0633 | $0.0633 | $0.0481500 |
2019-10-16 | $0.0395600 | $0.0477000 | $0.0477000 | $0.0380300 |
2019-10-15 | $0.0368900 | $0.0411800 | $0.0411800 | $0.0353100 |
2019-10-14 | $0.0352900 | $0.0368600 | $0.0393300 | $0.0358200 |
2019-10-13 | $0.0351700 | $0.0354100 | $0.0355400 | $0.0345700 |
2019-10-12 | $0.0353400 | $0.0352400 | $0.0352400 | $0.0352400 |
2019-10-11 | $0.0408400 | $0.0353900 | $0.0385900 | $0.0353900 |
2019-10-10 | $0.0430400 | $0.0408400 | $0.0426600 | $0.0393000 |
2019-10-09 | $0.0402900 | $0.0430400 | $0.0430400 | $0.0430400 |
2019-10-08 | $0.0416900 | $0.0413400 | $0.0417900 | $0.0392400 |
2019-10-07 | $0.0393300 | $0.0419800 | $0.0419800 | $0.0419800 |
2019-10-06 | $0.0408600 | $0.0394000 | $0.0394000 | $0.0394000 |
2019-10-05 | $0.0407000 | $0.0407600 | $0.0407600 | $0.0407600 |
2019-10-04 | $0.0404600 | $0.0408100 | $0.0408100 | $0.0408100 |
2019-10-03 | $0.0418200 | $0.0405600 | $0.0405600 | $0.0405600 |
2019-10-02 | $0.0464100 | $0.0418200 | $0.0476400 | $0.0418200 |
2019-10-01 | $0.0477400 | $0.0463900 | $0.0463900 | $0.0463900 |
2019-09-30 | $0.0446400 | $0.0473900 | $0.0473900 | $0.0473900 |
2019-09-29 | $0.0457600 | $0.0450500 | $0.0450500 | $0.0450000 |
2019-09-28 | $0.0458300 | $0.0457400 | $0.0457400 | $0.0457400 |
2019-09-27 | $0.0436400 | $0.0457500 | $0.0457500 | $0.0457500 |
2019-09-26 | $0.0447300 | $0.0439000 | $0.0439000 | $0.0439000 |
2019-09-25 | $0.0437500 | $0.0446900 | $0.0446900 | $0.0446900 |
2019-09-24 | $0.0528 | $0.0441400 | $0.0441400 | $0.0441400 |
2019-09-23 | $0.0555 | $0.0528 | $0.0528 | $0.0528 |
2019-09-22 | $0.0570 | $0.0557 | $0.0562 | $0.0557 |
2019-09-21 | $0.0793 | $0.0571 | $0.0844 | $0.0571 |
2019-09-20 | $0.0848 | $0.0792 | $0.0867 | $0.0792 |
2019-09-19 | $0.0765 | $0.0852 | $0.0889 | $0.0807 |
2019-09-18 | $0.0775 | $0.0765 | $0.0816 | $0.0765 |
2019-09-17 | $0.0719 | $0.0781 | $0.0818 | $0.0761 |
2019-09-16 | $0.0689 | $0.0717 | $0.0718 | $0.0671 |
2019-09-15 | $0.0733 | $0.0689 | $0.0735 | $0.0644 |
2019-09-14 | $0.0697 | $0.0733 | $0.0733 | $0.0725 |
2019-09-13 | $0.0696 | $0.0697 | $0.0697 | $0.0697 |
2019-09-12 | $0.0675 | $0.0696 | $0.0696 | $0.0670 |
2019-09-11 | $0.0612 | $0.0674 | $0.0674 | $0.0606 |
2019-09-10 | $0.0507 | $0.0612 | $0.0691 | $0.0475500 |
2019-09-09 | $0.0505 | $0.0508 | $0.0510 | $0.0504 |
2019-09-08 | $0.0493100 | $0.0505 | $0.0509 | $0.0502 |
2019-09-07 | $0.0576 | $0.0493700 | $0.0607 | $0.0478200 |
2019-09-06 | $0.0597 | $0.0577 | $0.0582 | $0.0460600 |
2019-09-05 | $0.0472500 | $0.0599 | $0.0599 | $0.0472200 |
2019-09-04 | $0.0520 | $0.0472300 | $0.0507 | $0.0472300 |
2019-09-03 | $0.0482800 | $0.0521 | $0.0614 | $0.0485100 |
2019-09-02 | $0.0463200 | $0.0482300 | $0.0482400 | $0.0482300 |
2019-09-01 | $0.0468900 | $0.0462900 | $0.0466700 | $0.0462800 |
2019-08-31 | $0.0478300 | $0.0469600 | $0.0589 | $0.0465400 |
2019-08-30 | $0.0490000 | $0.0478200 | $0.0488700 | $0.0439800 |
2019-08-29 | $0.0467100 | $0.0490000 | $0.0579 | $0.0456200 |
2019-08-28 | $0.0638 | $0.0466900 | $0.0590 | $0.0466900 |
2019-08-27 | $0.0531 | $0.0638 | $0.0638 | $0.0524 |
2019-08-26 | $0.0636 | $0.0531 | $0.0643 | $0.0531 |
2019-08-25 | $0.0549 | $0.0635 | $0.0635 | $0.0481300 |
2019-08-24 | $0.0559 | $0.0549 | $0.0549 | $0.0549 |
2019-08-23 | $0.2577000 | $0.0559 | $0.2632000 | $0.0559 |
2019-08-22 | $0.2531000 | $0.2590000 | $0.2590000 | $0.2590000 |
2019-08-21 | $0.2655000 | $0.2523000 | $0.2523000 | $0.2523000 |
2019-08-20 | $0.2735000 | $0.2660000 | $0.2660000 | $0.2660000 |
2019-08-19 | $0.2631000 | $0.2743000 | $0.2743000 | $0.2743000 |
2019-08-18 | $0.2509000 | $0.2632000 | $0.2632000 | $0.2632000 |
2019-08-17 | $0.2505000 | $0.2508000 | $0.2508000 | $0.2508000 |
2019-08-16 | $0.2543000 | $0.2506000 | $0.2506000 | $0.2506000 |
2019-08-15 | $0.2519000 | $0.2537000 | $0.2537000 | $0.2537000 |
2019-08-14 | $0.2818000 | $0.2506000 | $0.2506000 | $0.2506000 |
2019-08-13 | $0.0002280 | $0.0002180 | $0.0002180 | $0.0002180 |
2019-08-12 | $0.0002310 | $0.0002280 | $0.0002280 | $0.0002280 |
2019-08-11 | $0.0002260 | $0.0002310 | $0.0002310 | $0.0002310 |
2019-08-10 | $0.0002370 | $0.0002260 | $0.0002260 | $0.0002260 |
2019-08-09 | $0.0002400 | $0.0002370 | $0.0002370 | $0.0002370 |
2019-08-08 | $0.0002400 | $0.0002360 | $0.0002360 | $0.0002360 |
2019-08-07 | $0.0002290 | $0.0002400 | $0.0002400 | $0.0002400 |
2019-08-06 | $0.0002360 | $0.0002290 | $0.0002290 | $0.0002290 |
Pair | Exchange |
COIN/ETH | ethermium |
COIN/USD | ftx |
COIN/BTC | hitbtc |
COIN/ETH | hitbtc |
COIN/USD | hitbtc |
COIN/USDT | hitbtc |
COIN/ETH | idex |
COIN/BTC | yobit |
COIN/DOGE | yobit |
COIN/ETH | yobit |
COIN/RUR | yobit |
COIN/USD | yobit |
COIN/WAVES | yobit |
The Coin ecosystem includes Coinvest Safe, a digital assets wallet for children. Coinvest Trade, a derivatives investment trading platform and wallet. And Coin Assistant, an AI-powered financial assistant, wallet, and exchange for digital assets.
The COIN token is an Ethereum-based (ERC20/223) cryptocurrency registered as a security with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. $COIN includes a variety of use-cases and utility in the COIN ecosystem including fuel for smart contract execution on Coinvest Trade, rewards, trading competition participation, platform discounts, and staking to accrue additional $COIN through interest. Lastly, the COIN token represents equity ownership in the company and is eligible for dividends and proceeds.
Full Name | Coin (COIN) |
Start Date | N/A |
Algorithm | ETH Token |
Proof Type | N/A |
Website | |
@CoinvestHQ | |
N/A | |
N/A | |
Block Number | N/A |
Block Time | N/A |
Block Reward | N/A |
Total Coins Mined | 30,000,000,000 COIN |
Previous Total Coins Mined | N/A |
Net Hashes Per Second | N/A |
ICO Details
Coinvest is an investment trading platform. It provides the tools to invest in multiple cryptocurrencies and index funds all through one COIN. Similar to derivatives, users trade the value of the underlying asset without requiring the need to hold the assets themselves. Investment portfolios are fully collateralized by Coinvest reserves and managed by autonomous smart contracts.
The COIN token is an Ethereum-based (ERC20/223) cryptocurrency. It is the fuel to perform trades through the smart contracts on the platform as well as to access available goods and services.
- Damon Nam: Founder and CEO
- Byron Levels: Technology Director
- Taylor Rieckens: Business Development Director
The Coinvest ICO will start on the 9th of March and it will last until the 6th of April 2018. The ICO token allocation is 49% of the total token supply and will be available for $0.64 USD starting price. The ICO funding target is set at $30M
Token Reserve Split:
- 5%: Private Whitelist Reserve (Including Bonus),
- 44%: Crowdsale Reserve (Including Bonus),
- 25%: COIN Reserve (Held in Smart Contract),
- 10%: Ecosystem Development and Partnerships,
- 16%: Employee and Advisor Option Pool to Recruit and Retain Talent
The Coinvest ICO features a bonus and bounty campaign.
Bonus Structure:
- Private Whitelist: 25%,
- February Crowdsale: 10%
ICO Status | Finished |
Token Supply | 107000000 |
Start Date | 2018-03-09 |
End Date | 2018-04-06 |
Fund Raised (BTC) | 4,096,815 USD |
Fund Raised (USD) | 4096815 |
Start Price (USD) | 0.636363636 |
Security Audit Company | N/A |
ICO Legal Form | N/A |
ICO Jurisdiction | 634 |
Legal Advisers | N/A |
Blog | |
White Paper | |

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