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Bulleon (BLN)


Bulleon is a platform that allows users to have access to digital asset-related services from a single place. Bulleon also intends to have credit cards, hardware wallets and a lending platform. The Bulleon token (BLN) is a ERC20 compliant asset in the Ethereum network and is to be used within the Bulleon platform.

Full Name Bulleon (BLN)
Start Date 2017-03-11
Algorithm ETH Token
Proof Type PoW
Twitter @Bulleon_net
Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
ICO Details

ICO Details

Bulleon is a platform that allows users to have access to digital asset-related services from a single place. Bulleon also intends to have credit cards, hardware wallets and a lending platform. The Bulleon token (BLN) is a ERC20 compliant asset in the Ethereum network and is to be used within the Bulleon platform.


  • Vitaly Chizhov: Co-Founder. 
  • Arina Golubeva: CO-Founder & Marketing Director. 
  • Alex Golubev: Software Engeneering. 
  • Anita Volk: Graphic Designer & Project assistant. 

Bulleon will be holding its ICO starting on January 1, 2018. The ICO token supply represents 95.2% of the total token supply, so there will be a total of 7,900,000 tokens available, for 0.1 ETH each during the offering. The ICO the funding cap is 148,009 ETH and is expected to end when the funding cap is reached. Any unsold/remaining tokens will be burned.

Fund Alocation:

  • 10% Supporting BLN exchange rate/buy-back;
  • 30% Marketing;
  • 40% Core development;
  • 20% - Services, legal expenses, accountancy and other.

Bulleon will feature Bounties, Airdrops and a Bonus, and the token will not be mineable.


ICO Status Ongoing
Token Supply 7970000
Start Date 2018-01-01
End Date 2018-12-31
Fund Raised (BTC) 415497 BLN
Fund Raised (USD) N/A
Start Price (USD) 0.1
Security Audit Company N/A
ICO Legal Form N/A
ICO Jurisdiction N/A
Legal Advisers N/A
Blog N/A
White Paper
Bulleon (BLN) News

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