Bitcoin Turbo Koin (BTK)
Bitcoin Turbo Koin is looking to make the bitcoin currency easily transferable and liquid-able for purchasing power. The current TX rates can be as low as Zero with Bitcoin Turbo Koin new blockchain, which aims to become a strong competitor with Paypal or Stripe who charges 2.9%+ for each transaction of money. The goal is to have Bitcoin Turbo Koin available to be used by small businesses or websites as method of payment or donation to transfer funds.
Full Name | Bitcoin Turbo Koin (BTK) |
Start Date | N/A |
Algorithm | Quark |
Proof Type | PoS |
Website | |
@btkblockchain | |
N/A | |
N/A | |
Block Number | 129531 |
Block Time | 60 |
Block Reward | 8 |
Total Coins Mined | 59 BTCK |
Previous Total Coins Mined | 22,035,802 |
Net Hashes Per Second | 2,138,378,802,482.00 H/s |