Cryptocurrencies: 25239
Markets: 99694
Market Cap: $3,174,681,173,301     
24h Vol: $125,347,783,008

Aladdin (ADN)


ADN is a blockchain platform designed to address issues associated with ICOs, and the purpose of the ADN Mainnet is to provide a blockchain platform-based cryptocurrency investment method and system. The ADN Mainnet also aims to provide a blockchain-based security investment platform which will activate various cryptocurrency and blockchain communities.

The ADN Mainnet prioritizes providing blockchain platform-based virtual currency investment methods and systems that enable investors to invest in cryptocurrency in a more diverse and safe way by facilitating an investment platform contract provided by cryptocurrency company (ICO company).

Full Name Aladdin (ADN)
Start Date N/A
Algorithm ETH Token
Proof Type N/A
Twitter @adncoinofficial
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
Aladdin (ADN) News

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