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Adshares (ADST)


Adshares is a decentralized market for programmatic advertising, providing transparency, less fraud, and reduced costs for all market participants. Adshares runs on ESC Blockchain and uses Adshares Tokens (ADST) for ad payments. Fees collected from processing payments are distributed among token holders.

Full Name Adshares (ADST)
Start Date 2017-07-07
Algorithm ETH Token
Proof Type N/A
Twitter @adsharesNet
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
ICO Details

ICO Details

Adshares is a decentralized market for programmatic advertising, providing transparency, less fraud, and reduced costs for all market participants. Adshares runs on ESC Blockchain and uses Adshares Tokens (ADST) for ad payments. Fees collected from processing payments are distributed among token holders.


  • Jaek Zemlo: Founder;
  • Dr. Leszek Rychlewski: Founder;
  • Maciej Kazmierczyk: Business Development

The Adshares ICO started on the 7th of August and will l be phased out once custom blockchain for Adshares is ready. The ICO contract will then enter the allocation phase. Users will have 1 month to decide whether they are happy with development results and want to be allocated with custom blockchain tokens. If not – they can always resell their tokens to the ICO contract. The minimum goal for the crowdsale is $1 million and the starting price is $0.10


The ADST ICO counted with a bonus campaign and will not be minable.

Bonus Structure:

1 – 10M tokens: 0.1 USD Constant price until minimum financing level has been reached

Over 10M tokens: 0.1 USD * ( (token no) / 10 M) After this, token price rises linearly with token supply


ICO Status Ongoing
Token Supply N/A
Start Date 2017-07-07
End Date 2018-01-01
Fund Raised (BTC) 5,438.245264965389624 ETH
Fund Raised (USD) 3796928.46
Start Price (USD) 0.10
Security Audit Company N/A
ICO Legal Form N/A
ICO Jurisdiction N/A
Legal Advisers N/A
White Paper
Adshares (ADST) News

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